Publication of the Atlas of Mosquitoes of Luxembourg

The atlas contains an updated map of the invasive East Asian bush or rock pool mosquito Aedes japonicus.

Schaffner F., A. Weigand & C. Ries, 2023. – Atlas and catalogue of the mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) of Luxembourg. Ferrantia 87, Musée national d’histoire naturelle, Luxembourg, 117 p. [PDF 5.2 MB]

The Atlas of the Mosquitoes of Luxembourg has just been published in the Ferrantia series of the National Museum of Natural History and describes 28 species (31 taxa) of culicides found in the Grand Duchy.

Mosquito-borne diseases such as chikungunya, dengue, Usutu or West Nile, have come back to the forefront in both human and animal health. To prevent outbreaks, it is necessary to acquire a solid knowledge of the mosquito fauna in the considered area. Therefore, and since the mosquito fauna of Luxembourg was only partially known, we suggested the construction of the first comprehensive mosquito diversity and distribution database for the Grand Duchy as a base for an atlas. This atlas of the mosquitoes of Luxembourg assembles a taxonomic list and species distribution maps.

The Atlas was developed in the framework of the MosquitoLUX (2019-2022) project implemented under the auspices of the Fondation faune-flore at the Scientific Research Centre of the National Museum of Natural History in Luxembourg. The Fondation faune-flore was the host institution and administrative manager of the project.

Funding consortium :
• 50%: National Museum of Natural History, Departments of Ecology and Zoology
• 25%: Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development
• 25%: Directorate of Health

 Page content last updated on 2023-03-27. Last proofread by Caroline Grounds on 2023-03-27.

Publication of leaflets on Fallopia japonica and Impatiens glandulifera

In early spring 2020 the Department for the Environment of the Luxembourg Ministry for environment, climate and sustainable development edited leaflets in German and French about Fallopia japonica and Impatiens glandulifera, in co-operation with the National Museum of Natural History and efor-ersa ingénieurs-conseils. They can be downloaded here in PDF format (~ 4 MB each).

More information on → Japanese knotweed and → Himalayan balsam in Luxembourg.



 Page content last updated on 2020-04-06.

Field Guide to Invasive Alien Species in European Forests

The Slovenian Forestry Institute has published a Field Guide to Invasive Alien Species in European Forests which was translated to English and made available as PDF file.

This guide was first prepared in Slovenian, within the framework of the project Awareness Raising, Training and Measures on Invasive alien Species in forests (LIFE ARTEMIS), which is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the LIFE financial mechanism, the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia, the City of Ljubljana and the Slovenian Research Agency.

Kus Veenvliet, J., P. Veenvliet, M. de Groot & L. Kutnar (eds.). 2019. A Field Guide to Invasive Alien Species in European Forests. Nova vas: Institute Symbioisis, so. e.; Ljubljana: The Silva Slovenica Publishing Centre, Slovenian Forestry Institute. [PDF 32 MB]

 Page content last updated on 2019-12-12. Last proofread by Caroline Grounds on 2019-12-12.

Publication of a guide for the identification and management of invasive alien plant species on construction sites

The Luxembourg Nature and Forestry Administration has published a guide on the identification and management of invasive alien plant species on construction sites. The 88-page guide is written in French and can be useful to other concerned parties such as biological stations, municipalities and other state administrations that are active in other activities such as nature sites, the development and maintenance of green spaces and along roads.

The guide can be ordered or downloaded from the following web page:

Citation: Pfeiffenschneider M. et al., 2019. Guide d’identification et de gestion d’espèces de plantes exotiques envahissantes sur les chantiers. 88 pp. Administration de la nature et des forêts (éd.).

 Page content last updated on 2019-11-11. Last proofread by Caroline Grounds on 2019-11-11.

Increasing understanding of alien species through citizen science

In July 2018 a group of countries launched a European CO-operation in Science and Technology (COST) Action to address multidisciplinary research questions in relation to developing and implementing Citizen Science (CS), advancing scientific understanding of Alien Species (AS) dynamics while informing decision-making, specifically implementation of technical requirements of relevant legislation such as the EU Regulation 1143/2014 on IAS. It will also support the EU biodiversity goals of embedding science within society. The Action will explore and document approaches to establishing a European-wide CS AS network.

All details in the following publication:

Roy H, Groom Q, Adriaens T, Agnello G, Antic M, Archambeau A, Bacher S, Bonn A, Brown P, Brundu G, López B, Cleary M, Cogălniceanu D, de Groot M, De Sousa T, Deidun A, Essl F, Fišer Pečnikar Ž, Gazda A, Gervasini E, Glavendekic M, Gigot G, Jelaska S, Jeschke J, Kaminski D, Karachle P, Komives T, Lapin K, Lucy F, Marchante E, Marisavljevic D, Marja R, Martín Torrijos L, Martinou A, Matosevic D, Mifsud C, Motiejūnaitė J, Ojaveer H, Pasalic N, Pekárik L, Per E, Pergl J, Pesic V, Pocock M, Reino L, Ries C, Rozylowicz L, Schade S, Sigurdsson S, Steinitz O, Stern N, Teofilovski A, Thorsson J, Tomov R, Tricarico E, Trichkova T, Tsiamis K, van Valkenburg J, Vella N, Verbrugge L, Vétek G, Villaverde C, Witzell J, Zenetos A, Cardoso A (2018) Increasing understanding of alien species through citizen science (Alien-CSI). Research Ideas and Outcomes 4: e31412.

 Page content last updated on 2019-11-11. Last proofread by Caroline Grounds on 2019-11-11.

Mosquitos: conselhos para a população

Você sabia?

Mosquitos que picam ou que nos atormentam, movem-se pouco. Muitas vezes nascem em nosso ambiente imediato. A melhor maneira de se livrar deles e evitar picadas é limitar os locais de nidificação ao redor das casas.

Dicas/Conselhos para eliminar os criadouros de mosquitos em sua casa

Fonte: Huron County Health Unit.

  1. Fontes e bebedouros: troque a água e limpe os recipientes pelo menos uma vez por semana;
  2. Barrancos e cortes: Limpe regularmente as folhas e outros resíduos para facilitar o fluxo de água;
  3. Poças: unindo desigualdades para evitar a formação de poças persistentes
  4. Calhas: Limpe regularmente as folhas e outros resíduos para facilitar o fluxo de água;
  5. Lagoas de jardim: colete regularmente folhas mortas dentro e perto da lagoa; permitir o desenvolvimento de vegetação e predadores (libélulas, anfíbios, peixes …);
  6. Lonas: não se esqueça de espalhar lonas que cobrem estacas de madeira, piscinas, etc. evitar a formação de poças persistentes;
  7. Brinquedos e recipientes: Mantenha brinquedos, panelas e qualquer outra coisa que possa acumular água da chuva longe da chuva ;
  8. Carrinhos de mão, lixo e pneus velhos: colocar esses utensílios para proteger da chuva;
  9. Recuperação da água da chuva para rega: tampa para vedar as folhas e mosquitos, drenar e enxaguar o mais rápido possível ou limpar as paredes, na superfície da água com uma esponja (para remover os ovos dos mosquitos).

 Page content last updated on 2018-08-09.

Moustiquen: Rotschléi fir d’Bevëlkerung

Wosst dir schonns?

D’Moustique déi eis picken oder péngegen bewege sech net wäit. Si sinn dacks direkt an eisem Ëmfeld opgewuess. Déi bescht Method fir se lass ze ginn an net méi gepickt ze ginn ass et, fir ronderëm eis Häiser d’Plazen ze reduzéieren, wou d’Moustiquen hir Eeër kënne leeën.

Rotschléi fir d’Eliminatioun vu Moustique-Bréieschte ronderëm d’Haus

Quell: Huron County Health Unit.

  1. Sprangburen a Bewässerungsanlagen: Waasser wiesselen a Behälter mindestens eemol pro Woch botzen;
  2. Ofleef a Kullangen: Regelméisseg Blieder an aner Oflagerunge botzen, fir de Waasseroflaf ze erliichteren;
  3. Pill & Verdéiwungen: Besäitege vun den Ongläichheete fir d’Formatioun vu persistente Pill ze vermeiden;
  4. Kullangen: Regelméisseg Blieder an aner Oflagerunge botzen, fir de Waasseroflaf ze erliichteren;
  5. Weieren: Sammelt regelméisseg ofgestuerwe Blieder aus dem Weier a ronderëm; erméiglecht d’Entwécklung vu Vegetatioun an Déieren (Libellen, Amphibien, Fësch, asw.);
  6. Baatschen: Stellt sécher datt d’Baatschen, déi Holzpéil, Basengen asw. ofdecken, gutt gespaant si fir d’Entstehung vu persistente Pill ze vermeiden;
  7. Spillsaachen a Behälter: Stellt sécher datt Spillsaachen, Dëppen an aner Géigestänn, déi d’Reewaasser usammele kënnen, virum Reen geschützt sinn;
  8. Schubkaren, Poubellen a benotzte Pneuen: Stellt sécher datt dës Utensilien virum Reen geschützt gelagert ginn;
  9. Reewaassersammler fir ze netzen: Behälter ofdecken géint ofgestuerwe Blieder a Mécken, esou oft wéi méiglech eidel maachen a botzen, an all Woch d’Wänn iwwert der Waasseruewerfläch mat engem Schwamm ofbotzen (fir d’Méckeneeër ze besäitegen).

 Page content last updated on 2018-08-09.

Moustiques: conseils pour la population

Le saviez-vous ?

Les moustiques qui nous piquent ou nous harcèlent se déplacent peu. Ils sont souvent nés dans notre environnement immédiat. Le meilleur moyen de s’en défaire et d’éviter les piqûres est de limiter les sites de ponte aux alentours de nos habitations.

Conseils pour éliminer les gîtes larvaires de moustiques autour de son habitation

D’après : Huron County Health Unit.

  1. Fontaines & abreuvoirs: changer l’eau et nettoyer les récipients au moins une fois par semaine ;
  2. Rigoles & caniveaux : nettoyer régulièrement les feuilles et autres débris pour faciliter l’écoulement de l’eau ;
  3. Flaques & dépressions : combler les inégalités pour éviter la formation de flaques persistantes ;
  4. Gouttières : nettoyer régulièrement les feuilles et autres débris pour faciliter l’écoulement de l’eau ;
  5. Mares de jardin : ramasser régulièrement les feuilles mortes dans et à proximité de la mare ; y permettre le développement de végétation et de prédateurs (libellules, batraciens, poissons…) ;
  6. Bâches : veiller à bien tendre les bâches recouvrant les tas de bois, les piscines, etc. pour éviter la formation de flaques persistantes ;
  7. Jouets & récipients : veiller à ranger à l’abri de la pluie les jouets, les pots et tout autre objet susceptible d’accumuler de l’eau de pluie ;
  8. Brouettes, poubelles et pneus usagés : de même, veiller à ranger ces ustensiles à l’abri de la pluie ;
  9. Récupérateur d’eau de pluie pour arrosage : couvrir pour rendre étanche aux feuilles mortes et aux moustiques, vidanger et rincer le plus souvent possible ou nettoyer les parois au niveau de la surface de l’eau avec une éponge (pour enlever les œufs de moustiques).

 Page content last updated on 2018-08-08.

Moskitos: Ratschläge für die Bevölkerung

Wussten Sie das?

Mücken, die uns beißen oder belästigen, bewegen sich wenig. Sie werden oft in unserer unmittelbaren Umgebung geboren. Der beste Weg, sie loszuwerden und Bisse zu vermeiden, ist, die Eierablagestellen um unsere Häuser herum zu begrenzen.

Tipps zur Beseitigung von Mückenbrut in der Umgebung Ihres Hauses

Quelle: Huron County Health Unit.

  1. Springbrunnen & Tränken: Wechseln Sie das Wasser und reinigen Sie die Container mindestens einmal pro Woche;
  2. Abfluss und Rinnen: Entfernen Sie regelmäßig Blätter und andere Rückstände, um den Wasserfluss zu erleichtern;
  3. Pfützen und Senken: Gleichen Sie Unebenheiten aus um die Bildung von hartnäckigen Pfützen zu vermeiden;
  4. Dachrinnen: Entfernen Sie regelmäßig Blätter und andere Rückstände, um den Wasserfluss zu erleichtern;
  5. Gartenteiche: Sammeln Sie regelmäßig tote Blätter in dem Teich und in der Nähe des Teiches, um die Entwicklung von Vegetation und Raubtieren zu ermöglichen (Libellen, Amphibien, Fische, usw.);
  6. Planen: Achten Sie darauf, dass die Planen für Holzstapel, Schwimmbäder usw. gespannt sind um die Bildung von hartnäckigen Pfützen zu vermeiden;
  7. Spielzeug und Behälter: Bewahren Sie Spielzeug, Töpfe und andere Behälter regenwassergeschützt auf;
  8. Schubkarren, Mülltonnen und Altreifen: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Geräte vor Regen schützen;
  9. Regenwassertank zum Besprengen: Decken Sie Behälter ab zum Schutz vor Blättern und Mücken, spülen Sie die Behälter so oft wie möglich durch oder reinigen Sie die Wände an der Wasseroberfläche mit einem Schwamm (um Mückeneier zu entfernen).

 Page content last updated on 2018-08-09.

Spot the cherry laurel – A citizen science survey with children

The children’s magazine Panewippchen, edited for the members of the Panda Club of the Luxembourg National Museum of Natural History, has published an interview with Dr Christian Ries, curator of the Department of Ecology:

  • Schaltz, Michèle, 2017. Fuerschung am ‘Natur Musée’: Ekologie. Panewippchen 4: 6-11. [PDF 2.2 MB]

The last page of the article encourages the young readers to participate in a citizen science survey concerning the recent spread into the wild of the cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus L.), a common garden plant in Luxembourg, mostly planted to build hedges. Fruits can be dispersed over long distances by birds.

Interested children are asked to look in the forests around their neighbourhood, the evergreen cherry laurel being very easy to spot in winter time, when trees and shrubs lose their leaves.

The children are asked to send the following basic information to :

  1. How many cherry laurel individuals have been spotted?
  2. Where were they spotted (using GPS of portable devices)
  3. Observer’s name, age, address and email address.

 Page content last updated on 2019-11-11. Last proofread by Caroline Grounds on 2019-11-11.