First record of Amaranthus cruentus in Luxembourg

Field of Amaranthus cruentus between Ell and Lannen, 20th September 2017. Photo by Claire Wolff, SICONA.

Amaranthus cruentus L. was first observed in the wild1 in Luxembourg, on 28th August 2018, on the border of maize fields and a pasture between Ell and Lannen in the Canton of Redange (Midwestern area of Luxembourg).

An on-site inspection on 29th August 2018 revealed that the population extends over 300m at the edge of the fields and at the roadside between the coordinates LUREF 56775 E | 93241 N and 56758 E | 93542 N. Several specimens were deposited in the herbarium of the National Museum of Natural History.

This population is probably a consequence of the cultivation of this species on an adjacent field in 2017, as the photo on the right illustrates.

Image gallery

Photos by Christian Ries, MNHNL, 29th August 2018.

Useful links


 Page content last updated on 2019-11-11. Last proofread by Caroline Grounds on 2019-11-11.

  1. The observer was Mrs Renée Coljon of the administration of the municipality of Ell. The information was transmitted via SICONA to the National Museum of Natural History.[]

Interregional Parliamentary Council issues recommendation on IAS in the Greater Region

On 1 June 2018, the Interregional Parliamentary Council (ICC) issued a recommendation concerning invasive plants and animal species in the Greater Region, following the meeting of Committee 4 “Environment and Agriculture” on 27 April 2018 in Remerschen, Luxembourg.

Original document

Excerpt of the recommendations (translated)

The Interregional Parliamentary Council

  1. calls for consistency in the implementation of management measures and objectives (eradication, control, containment) and further exchanges on management methods and priority intervention sites for efficient use of resources;
  2. strongly emphasises the need for coordinated prevention and control actions throughout the Greater Region, on a cross-border basis;
  3. invites all partners in the Greater Region to draw up an exhaustive inventory of public and private bodies responsible for implementing research and methods to combat invasive species;
  4. proposes to support existing mechanisms, such as, for the exchange of information on control methods and the sharing of good practices that have proved effective;
  5. calls for citizens to be informed about the presence of invasive plant and animal species in the Greater Region, the related health and economic risks, and the preventive measures to be taken to protect themselves;
  6. hopes that professionals selling seeds, landscape gardeners and farmers will be made aware of this approach in order to encourage the use of local plant species;
  7. recommends systematic reporting, the development of common tools for identifying and monitoring the most widespread species in the Greater Region, the introduction of monitoring and early detection of the most dangerous species (warning network) and the development of exchanges of good practice at cross-border level;
  8. encourages the control of invasive plants by innovative methods that respect the environment, such as eco-grazing techniques;
  9. hopes that the problem of invasive alien species will be included in school biology courses in order to encourage responsibility from an early age;
  10. stresses the principle of proportionality in order to safeguard animal welfare as far as possible, to take account of the cost-effectiveness of the measures put in place and of environmental protection, in particular by avoiding excessive use of pesticides to combat invasive plants;
  11. calls on the competent authorities to guarantee sustainable sources of funding to run cross-border networks. In this context, European funds are a very interesting financial lever, as shown by the INTERREG V project “InvaProtect, Protection durable des végétaux contre les bioagresseurs invasifs dans les orchgers et les vignes” ; a second project being set up, which aims to provide scientific and technical support to administrations and institutions for the assessment and management of the health risk associated with invasive mosquitoes;
  12. hopes that the implementation of INTERREG projects on invasive alien species will be encouraged in the Greater Region;
  13. welcomes other ongoing projects funded by the EU which make it possible to increase citizens’ awareness and involvement in concrete terms, such as the COST action ‘Increasing understanding of alien species through citizen science’, in which France and Luxembourg are participating, particularly as citizen participation and empowerment are the best way of controlling the negative effects of these invasive alien species;
  14. calls for closer cooperation between the Greater Region Summit and the Interregional Parliamentary Council to combat invasive plant and animal species as effectively as possible.

The Interregional Parliamentary Council addresses this resolution:

  • to the Government of the French Republic
  • to the Grand East Region
  • to the Saarland Government
  • to the Government of the Land of Rhineland-Palatinate
  • to the Governments of the German-speaking Community of Belgium, Wallonia and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation
  • to the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
  • at the Secretariat of the Summit of the Greater Region

 Page content last updated on 2019-11-11. Last proofread by Caroline Grounds on 2019-11-11.

Mosquitos: conselhos para a população

Você sabia?

Mosquitos que picam ou que nos atormentam, movem-se pouco. Muitas vezes nascem em nosso ambiente imediato. A melhor maneira de se livrar deles e evitar picadas é limitar os locais de nidificação ao redor das casas.

Dicas/Conselhos para eliminar os criadouros de mosquitos em sua casa

Fonte: Huron County Health Unit.

  1. Fontes e bebedouros: troque a água e limpe os recipientes pelo menos uma vez por semana;
  2. Barrancos e cortes: Limpe regularmente as folhas e outros resíduos para facilitar o fluxo de água;
  3. Poças: unindo desigualdades para evitar a formação de poças persistentes
  4. Calhas: Limpe regularmente as folhas e outros resíduos para facilitar o fluxo de água;
  5. Lagoas de jardim: colete regularmente folhas mortas dentro e perto da lagoa; permitir o desenvolvimento de vegetação e predadores (libélulas, anfíbios, peixes …);
  6. Lonas: não se esqueça de espalhar lonas que cobrem estacas de madeira, piscinas, etc. evitar a formação de poças persistentes;
  7. Brinquedos e recipientes: Mantenha brinquedos, panelas e qualquer outra coisa que possa acumular água da chuva longe da chuva ;
  8. Carrinhos de mão, lixo e pneus velhos: colocar esses utensílios para proteger da chuva;
  9. Recuperação da água da chuva para rega: tampa para vedar as folhas e mosquitos, drenar e enxaguar o mais rápido possível ou limpar as paredes, na superfície da água com uma esponja (para remover os ovos dos mosquitos).

 Page content last updated on 2018-08-09.

Moustiquen: Rotschléi fir d’Bevëlkerung

Wosst dir schonns?

D’Moustique déi eis picken oder péngegen bewege sech net wäit. Si sinn dacks direkt an eisem Ëmfeld opgewuess. Déi bescht Method fir se lass ze ginn an net méi gepickt ze ginn ass et, fir ronderëm eis Häiser d’Plazen ze reduzéieren, wou d’Moustiquen hir Eeër kënne leeën.

Rotschléi fir d’Eliminatioun vu Moustique-Bréieschte ronderëm d’Haus

Quell: Huron County Health Unit.

  1. Sprangburen a Bewässerungsanlagen: Waasser wiesselen a Behälter mindestens eemol pro Woch botzen;
  2. Ofleef a Kullangen: Regelméisseg Blieder an aner Oflagerunge botzen, fir de Waasseroflaf ze erliichteren;
  3. Pill & Verdéiwungen: Besäitege vun den Ongläichheete fir d’Formatioun vu persistente Pill ze vermeiden;
  4. Kullangen: Regelméisseg Blieder an aner Oflagerunge botzen, fir de Waasseroflaf ze erliichteren;
  5. Weieren: Sammelt regelméisseg ofgestuerwe Blieder aus dem Weier a ronderëm; erméiglecht d’Entwécklung vu Vegetatioun an Déieren (Libellen, Amphibien, Fësch, asw.);
  6. Baatschen: Stellt sécher datt d’Baatschen, déi Holzpéil, Basengen asw. ofdecken, gutt gespaant si fir d’Entstehung vu persistente Pill ze vermeiden;
  7. Spillsaachen a Behälter: Stellt sécher datt Spillsaachen, Dëppen an aner Géigestänn, déi d’Reewaasser usammele kënnen, virum Reen geschützt sinn;
  8. Schubkaren, Poubellen a benotzte Pneuen: Stellt sécher datt dës Utensilien virum Reen geschützt gelagert ginn;
  9. Reewaassersammler fir ze netzen: Behälter ofdecken géint ofgestuerwe Blieder a Mécken, esou oft wéi méiglech eidel maachen a botzen, an all Woch d’Wänn iwwert der Waasseruewerfläch mat engem Schwamm ofbotzen (fir d’Méckeneeër ze besäitegen).

 Page content last updated on 2018-08-09.

Science by foot: Invasive alien species in the Grund district of Luxembourg City

On Tuesday 7th August 2018 from 18:30 to 20:00, in the frame of its Science Tuesdays series, the National Museum of Natural History organised a scientific walk through the Grund district. Dr Christian Ries, curator of the Department of Ecology, gave explanations about a dozen invasive alien species to the 20 people in attendance. In its edition of 9th August 2018, the Luxembourg Newspaper Journal published a small article about the event.

Anonymous, 2018. Ohne Widerstand – Naturmusée-Führung zum Thema invasive Arten. Rubrik Uechter d’Land. Journal 09/08/2018, p. 19.

 Page content last updated on 2019-11-11. Last proofread by Caroline Grounds on 2019-11-11.

Moustiques: conseils pour la population

Le saviez-vous ?

Les moustiques qui nous piquent ou nous harcèlent se déplacent peu. Ils sont souvent nés dans notre environnement immédiat. Le meilleur moyen de s’en défaire et d’éviter les piqûres est de limiter les sites de ponte aux alentours de nos habitations.

Conseils pour éliminer les gîtes larvaires de moustiques autour de son habitation

D’après : Huron County Health Unit.

  1. Fontaines & abreuvoirs: changer l’eau et nettoyer les récipients au moins une fois par semaine ;
  2. Rigoles & caniveaux : nettoyer régulièrement les feuilles et autres débris pour faciliter l’écoulement de l’eau ;
  3. Flaques & dépressions : combler les inégalités pour éviter la formation de flaques persistantes ;
  4. Gouttières : nettoyer régulièrement les feuilles et autres débris pour faciliter l’écoulement de l’eau ;
  5. Mares de jardin : ramasser régulièrement les feuilles mortes dans et à proximité de la mare ; y permettre le développement de végétation et de prédateurs (libellules, batraciens, poissons…) ;
  6. Bâches : veiller à bien tendre les bâches recouvrant les tas de bois, les piscines, etc. pour éviter la formation de flaques persistantes ;
  7. Jouets & récipients : veiller à ranger à l’abri de la pluie les jouets, les pots et tout autre objet susceptible d’accumuler de l’eau de pluie ;
  8. Brouettes, poubelles et pneus usagés : de même, veiller à ranger ces ustensiles à l’abri de la pluie ;
  9. Récupérateur d’eau de pluie pour arrosage : couvrir pour rendre étanche aux feuilles mortes et aux moustiques, vidanger et rincer le plus souvent possible ou nettoyer les parois au niveau de la surface de l’eau avec une éponge (pour enlever les œufs de moustiques).

 Page content last updated on 2018-08-08.

Aedes albopictus: Public petition for a public health policy submitted to Luxembourg parliament

A public petition (n°1071) for a public health policy that effectively combats the implantation of tiger mosquitoes, vectors of diseases, in Luxembourg, was introduced on 10th July 2018 and is open to signatures until 19th September 2018 (Bomfim 2018).

Text of the petition (translated from French)

This petition aims to start a debate that will lead to a number of effective actions to combat the implantation of tiger mosquitoes in Luxembourg. This invasive species has no natural predators and can not only unbalance the ecosystem, but also bring tropical diseases to Luxembourg. Among the possible actions that should be discussed as a result of this petition, we can list:

  • a study of the regions of Luxembourg with the greatest potential for tiger mosquito invasion;
  • campaigns to raise public awareness of measures to combat the tiger mosquito (garden maintenance, elimination of stagnant water deposits);
  • education campaigns in schools and colleges on the invasiveness of tiger mosquitoes and preventive measures;
  • special maintenance and vigilance measures in rest areas where motor homes from southern Europe stop and which potentially contain tiger mosquitoes;
  • monitoring the presence of tiger mosquitoes in cities, countryside and forests via traps (instrumentation used for example in Italian regions).

Motivation of the general interest of the petition: The tiger mosquito is a vector of diseases such as dengue, Nile fever and chikungunya. If the invasion of mosquitoes is not controlled, the importation of these diseases will become an additional burden for health services, in days off work and school absence, not to mention a great disturbance for the population and a devaluation of the country’s rural areas.


Bomfim, JAS, 2018. Pétition publique n°1071 – Pour une politique de santé publique qui combatte effectivement l’implantation des moustiques tigres, vecteurs de maladies, au Luxembourg. URL: [08/08/2018].

 Page content last updated on 2019-11-11. Last proofread by Caroline Grounds on 2019-11-11.

Moskitos: Ratschläge für die Bevölkerung

Wussten Sie das?

Mücken, die uns beißen oder belästigen, bewegen sich wenig. Sie werden oft in unserer unmittelbaren Umgebung geboren. Der beste Weg, sie loszuwerden und Bisse zu vermeiden, ist, die Eierablagestellen um unsere Häuser herum zu begrenzen.

Tipps zur Beseitigung von Mückenbrut in der Umgebung Ihres Hauses

Quelle: Huron County Health Unit.

  1. Springbrunnen & Tränken: Wechseln Sie das Wasser und reinigen Sie die Container mindestens einmal pro Woche;
  2. Abfluss und Rinnen: Entfernen Sie regelmäßig Blätter und andere Rückstände, um den Wasserfluss zu erleichtern;
  3. Pfützen und Senken: Gleichen Sie Unebenheiten aus um die Bildung von hartnäckigen Pfützen zu vermeiden;
  4. Dachrinnen: Entfernen Sie regelmäßig Blätter und andere Rückstände, um den Wasserfluss zu erleichtern;
  5. Gartenteiche: Sammeln Sie regelmäßig tote Blätter in dem Teich und in der Nähe des Teiches, um die Entwicklung von Vegetation und Raubtieren zu ermöglichen (Libellen, Amphibien, Fische, usw.);
  6. Planen: Achten Sie darauf, dass die Planen für Holzstapel, Schwimmbäder usw. gespannt sind um die Bildung von hartnäckigen Pfützen zu vermeiden;
  7. Spielzeug und Behälter: Bewahren Sie Spielzeug, Töpfe und andere Behälter regenwassergeschützt auf;
  8. Schubkarren, Mülltonnen und Altreifen: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Geräte vor Regen schützen;
  9. Regenwassertank zum Besprengen: Decken Sie Behälter ab zum Schutz vor Blättern und Mücken, spülen Sie die Behälter so oft wie möglich durch oder reinigen Sie die Wände an der Wasseroberfläche mit einem Schwamm (um Mückeneier zu entfernen).

 Page content last updated on 2018-08-09.

First evidence of Aedes japonicus in Luxembourg

3 female imagoes of Aedes japonicus (Theobald, 1901) were captured on 4th July 2018 in Stolzembourg in the valley of the Our (Oesling). Field exploration on 1st and 2nd August showed the East Asian bush mosquito is also present in Bivels, Vianden, Wahlhausen and Gemünd (D). Further investigations will be undertaken in August to assess the geographical distribution of the species in Luxembourg.

Aedes japonicus is a mosquito species originally native to Japan, Korea and southern China, and is important for humans as a potential vector of pathogens such as the West Nile virus and of various types of encephalitis viruses.

The species is already established in the Province of Namur (Belgium), in North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate (Kreis Ahrweiler) and Hesse (Germany), and in Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin, Vosges (France).

Advice for the population

Web pages


Useful links

 Page content last updated on 2019-11-11. Last proofread by Caroline Grounds on 2019-11-11.

Aedes japonicus (Theobald, 1901)

Synonyms: Ochlerotatus japonicus, Hulecoeteomyia japonica

English East Asian bush or rock pool mosquito Status LU: established. 1st record: 2018.
Lëtzebuergesch Japanesch Iergermustik Status Eur.: established.
Français n/a RA: ISEIA: C2. Harmonia+: 0,34.
Deutsch Asiatische Buschmücke Wikipedia: Wikipedia - English - East Asian bush mosquito Wikipedia - Français Wikipedia - Deutsch - Asiatische Buschmücke Wikipedia - Nederlands | Wikispecies: n/a (2020)
Nederlands Aziatische bosmug Back to the list of invertebrates

Brief description

CDC 7886 Ochlerotatus japonicusAedes japonicus (Theobald, 1901), commonly known as the Asian bush mosquito or the Asian rock pool mosquito, has four known subspecies Ae. j. japonicus, Ae. j. shintienensis, Ae. j. yaeyamensis, and Ae. j. amamiensus. They are competent arbovirus vectors known to transmit the West Nile virus as well as Japanese and St. Louis encephalitis. They are listed as an invasive species by the Global Invasive Species Database.

Adults live in forested areas and are day biters, but are apparently reluctant to bite humans. In the laboratory, they feed on chicks and mice but not on reptiles or amphibians. Larvae occur in a wide variety of natural and artificial water retainers such as tree holes and rock holes, usually preferring shaded places and water rich in organic matter. They are found from early spring to early autumn in their native habitat of Central Japan. They overwinter as eggs in cooler regions and larvae in warmer regions. Adults have a distinctive bronze-colored, lyre-shaped pattern on the scutum, and larvae have a linear arrangement of branched frontal setae and a strongly spiculated anal saddle (Wikipedia contributors 2020).

Advice for the population

Please refer to the Internet page for detailed information in 5 languages (Lëtzebuergesch Français Deutsch Portugues English) on how to deal with mosquitoes near your home.

Status and distribution in Luxembourg

Records of Aedes japonicus (Theobald, 1901) in Luxembourg. Data source: Recorder-Lux, iNaturalist & GBIF, 2025-02-23.

3 female imagoes of Aedes japonicus (Syn.: Hulecoeteomyia japonica) were captured on 4th July 2018 in Stolzembourg, Oesling. Field exploration on 1st and 2nd August showed the East Asian bush mosquito is also present in Bivels, Vianden, Wahlhausen and Gemünd (D). Further field studies in August and October 2018 revealed the presence of a large population of Aedes japonicus, detected in 16 sites distributed over 12 localities, 12 municipalities, 7 cantons and 3 districts. The colonised area can be estimated to date to cover at least 550 km², located in the east of the Grand Duchy, from the valley of the Our in the north to Ernster in the south, and as far as Kautenbach and Ettelbruck in the west. The mosquito was not detected in neighbouring Belgium (Clairefontaine and Ouren) but it was in Germany, where it has been present for several years in Rhineland-Palatinate and from where it has certainly migrated to the Grand Duchy. We also detected it in the French border town of Contz-les-Bains, which suggests that the mosquito is probably present, although not detected to date, in the region bordering the Moselle, from Manternach to the French border (Schaffner 2018).

Distribution of the mosquito Aedes japonicus known as of 10 October 2018, for Luxembourg and the neighbouring regions of Germany, Belgium and France. Purple: proven presence; Purple with star: data from the German surveillance network; Green: undetected presence (Schaffner 2018).

The species is established in the Province of Namur (Belgium), in North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse (Germany), and in Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin, Vosges (France).

Risk assessment

ISEIA protocol

C2 (3+2+2+1), assessment updated on 13 August 2018 by M. Pfeiffenschneider & C. Ries. Former assessment under it’s synonym Hulecoeteomyia japonica: C0 (2+1+1+1) (Ries et al. 2017: 68).

Harmonia+ protocol

Overall risk score 0,34 = (Overall Invasion score 0,67 x Overall Impact score 0,50) (Schaffner & Ries 2019: 178).


Initial importations and spread in Europe

Source: [accessed July 31 2018]

Aedes japonicus was first reported in Europe in 2000 when it was detected in Normandy (Orne) in northern France, where it was later eliminated. It was then reported in 2002 in Belgium at a tyre depot and presence as adults and larvae was confirmed in 2007 and 2008. It was most likely introduced through the trade of tyres and the population was thought to be established at the company site but does not appear to be spreading. It was detected in Switzerland in 2008 following reports of a biting nuisance and subsequent surveys revealed a 1,400 km colonised zone including an area in Germany. This was the first detection of invasive mosquitoes spreading in central Europe. No obvious route of introduction was identified in this study but it is suspected that the species has been present here for some time. Adult Ae. japonicus were then found in southern Germany during 2011, following intensified surveillance. This resulted in surveillance expanding to cover the entire federal state of Baden-Württemberg where a reduction in the colonised areas compared to 2010 was reported (possibly due to a dry spring during 2011). However, a large, newly infested area was also reported from the city of Stuttgart to the Swabian Mountains. Entomological surveys carried out during 2012 in North Rhine-Westphalia also revealed the presence of an established population in the west of the country. Aedes japonicus were then reported further north in southern Lower Saxony and northeastern North Rhine-Westphalia during spring 2013. It was detected in 2012 and 2013 in Lelystad, the Netherlands.

Source: The map shows the current known distribution of Aedes japonicus in Europe at at ‘regional’ administrative level (NUTS3), as of September 2020 (ECDC & EFSA, 2020).

It is suggested that Aedes japonicus may expand beyond its current geographical distribution but there is still a lack of information available on this invasive mosquito species.

Worldwide distribution


  • ECDC & EFSA, 2020. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and European Food Safety Authority. Mosquito maps [internet]. Stockholm: ECDC; 2020. Available from:
  • Ganser, J., 2020. Tigermücke im Anflug. Exotische Stechfliegen finden vermehrt den Weg nach Luxemburg. Das muss aber kein Grund zur Panik sein. Luxemburger Wort online 2020-09-21. URL:
  • GBIF, 2019. Aedes japonicus (Theobald, 1901) in GBIF Secretariat (2019). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset [accessed 2020-04-08]
  • Ministère de la Santé, 2018. Première apparition du moustique japonais « Aedes japonicus » au Luxembourg. Communiqué de presse du 1er août 2018. [PDF 40 KB]
  • MNHNL, iNaturalist & GBIF, 2020. Aedes japonicus (Theobald, 1901) in MNHNL-mdata, online portal combining species observation from Recorder-Lux, iNaturalist and GBIF. National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg. URL: [accessed 2020-04-08]
  • Ries, C., A. Arendt, C. Braunert, S. Christian, A. Dohet, A. Frantz, G. Geimer, M. Hellers, J. A. Massard, X. Mestdagh, R. Proess, N. Schneider & M. Pfeiffenschneider, 2017. Environmental impact assessment and black, watch and alert list classification after the ISEIA Protocol of invertebrates in Luxembourg. Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb. 119: 63-70. [PDF 360 KB]
  • Schaffner, F., 2018. Le moustique Aedes japonicus au Luxembourg : État des connaissances au 10 octobre 2018. Rapport de mission pour la Direction de la santé, grand-duché de Luxembourg. 14 p. [PDF 1.4 MB]
  • Schaffner, F. & C. Ries, 2019. First evidence and distribution of the invasive alien mosquito Aedes japonicus (Theobald, 1901) in Luxembourg. Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb. 121: 169-183. [PDF 8,94 MB]
  • Wikipedia contributors, 2020. ‘Aedes japonicus’ in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. URL: [accessed 2020.04.08]

 Page content last updated on 2024-07-25. Last proofread by Caroline Grounds on 2019-12-04.