Anoplophora chinensis (Forster, 1771)

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English Citrus longhorn beetle Status LU: absent.
Lëtzebuergesch Zitrus-Bockkiewerlek Status Eur.: established.
Français Capricorne à points blancs RA: ISEIA: B0, Alert List. Harmonia+: n/a
Deutsch Zitrusbockkäfer Wikipedia: Wikipedia - English - Citrus long-horned beetle Wikipedia - Français - Capricorne asiatique des agrumes Wikipedia - Deutsch - Zitrusbockkäfer | Wikispecies: Wikispecies - Anoplophora chinensis | CABI
Nederlands  Oost-Aziatische boktor Back to the list of invertebrates

Report the species

Report Anoplophora chinensis to the National Museum of Natural History.

Brief description

Anoplophora malasiacaAnoplophora chinensis (Forster, 1771) originates from Eastern Asia where it seriously damages forest and agricultural plant hosts. Since the the citrus longhorn beetle is listed in annex V of the Council Directive 2000/29/EC of 8 May 2000 on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community, the competent administration informs about the species and the consequences of the listing (Anonymous [undated]).

Status and distribution in Luxembourg

There is no documented observation of Anoplophora chinensis (Forster, 1771) in Luxembourg yet (MNHNL, iNaturalist & GBIF 2020).

Risk assessment

ISEIA protocol

B0 (3+3+2+1) = Alert List (Ries et al. 2017: 68).

Harmonia+ protocol

Overall risk score 0,10 = (Overall Invasion score 0,24 x Overall Impact score 0,50) (evaluated by Jennifer Cross, Svenja Christian and Roland Proess).


Worldwide distribution


  • Anonymous, [undated]. Der Citrusbockkäfer Anoplophora chinensis. Service de la protection des végétaux, Administration des services techniques de l’agriculture. 4 p.
  • CABI, 2019. Anoplophora chinensis (Forster, 1771). In: Invasive Species Compendium. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. URL: [accessed 2020-03-04]
  • MNHNL, iNaturalist & GBIF, 2020. Anoplophora chinensis (Forster, 1771) in MNHNL-mdata, online portal combining species observation from Recorder-Lux, iNaturalist and GBIF. National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg. URL: [Accessed 2020-03-04]
  • Ries, C., A. Arendt, C. Braunert, S. Christian, A. Dohet, A. Frantz, G. Geimer, M. Hellers, J. A. Massard, X. Mestdagh, R. Proess, N. Schneider & M. Pfeiffenschneider, 2017. Environmental impact assessment and black, watch and alert list classification after the ISEIA Protocol of invertebrates in Luxembourg. Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb. 119: 63-70. [PDF 360 KB]

 Page content last updated on 2024-03-06.