Update of the list of IAS of Union concern

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The European Commission published an update of the list of invasive alien species of Union concern in the Official Journal on July 13th 2017:


The webpage http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/invasivealien/ has been updated accordingly and includes a new brochure on all 49 species (at the moment only available in English pdf format): http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/pdf/IAS_brochure_species.pdf

The JRC report on the baseline distribution of the 37 species on the first list is available here: https://easin.jrc.ec.europa.eu/Docum entation/Baseline

Communicated on July 13th 2017 by the IAS team of DG ENV, European Commission

 Page content last updated on 2020-04-30. Last proofread by Caroline Grounds on 2019-11-12.